Want to submit content to Atrium for publication? You’re in the right place.

Atrium accepts submissions year-round for publication on our website or in our print issues. Our ethos is to tell true Florida stories, meaning we look for content that is based on real life or experiences and connected to Florida.
We publish:
- Reported stories
- Personal essays
- Photo essays
- Poems
- Memoirs
- And more! We’re happy to explore alternative storytelling structures so long as their contents remains deeply and accurately reported.
Importantly, all Atrium work is produced in the style of narrative nonfiction, which includes a few key characteristics: a main character (can be a person, place or thing), a conflict and a narrative arc driven by descriptive scenes and dialogue. Again, these stories must be based in or have some tie to Florida.
Don’t worry if these elements feel unfamiliar. Our editors are happy to work with you on that.
In your entry, please include your name, major and year (if applicable) and a brief summary of your submission, along with anything else you’d like us to know. For poems, please describe the story and themes you’re intending to explore.
Email all entries to [email protected] and include “SUBMISSION” In the subject line.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to working with you.